Come on NQ, get there.

May not be done w/ micro C of b down, but has consolidated deep enough in ES. NQ has not filled out as much of the C of b deeper that I would like, but if we have lower to go still ES is likely to get a pretty big bounce as (4) in an ED.

@ES# - Alternate 4 - May-29 1440 PM (15 min)
@ES# - Alternate 4 - May-29 1440 PM (15 min)
@NQ# - Primary Analysis - May-29 1438 PM (1 hour)
@NQ# - Primary Analysis - May-29 1438 PM (1 hour)
VXX - Primary Analysis - May-29 1437 PM (1 hour)
VXX - Primary Analysis - May-29 1437 PM (1 hour)
SPX.XO - Micro Counts - May-29 1435 PM (15 min)
SPX.XO - Micro Counts - May-29 1435 PM (15 min)
Zac Mannes is a senior analyst at and co-host of the site's Stock Waves service, which provides wave alerts and trade set-ups on individual stocks.
