EURGBP: the jury is still out

EURGBP: I am finally seeing some signs of strength potentially signalling of a major low - however, below 0.86759 I can not yet confidently rule out the lower low scenario based upon the red count. Over 0.86759 the pair may fly.
Keep watching and waiting for clues.

BaseCase - EURGBP - daily - 20-03-2019 - 1
BaseCase - EURGBP - daily - 20-03-2019 - 1
BaseCase - EURGBP - 4 hr - 20-03-2019 - 1
BaseCase - EURGBP - 4 hr - 20-03-2019 - 1
Arkady Yakhnis provides extensive coverage on precious metals, energy, and forex at ElliottWaveTrader.
