Insights From Investors And Money Managers All Around The World

For those that do not have any experience with Elliott Wave analysis, I want to highlight what Paul Tudor Jones, one of the most successful money managers of all time, has noted about the method:

"I attribute a lot of my success to Elliot Wave Theory. It allows one to create incredibly favorable risk reward opportunities"

So, I am going to kindly ask that you read through this letter all the way down to the bottom, as it could change your life, as it has many others before you.

They say that the best compliment a service can get is when the clients of that service tell others about how good that service is and how well they have done with that service. Amazingly, much of our growth as a service is due to word of mouth, so it would seem that our clients are quite happy with our work through the years.

Through the 13 years since we have opened our doors, we have fast grown to one of the largest financial services in the world. In fact, many of the members that joined us on the day we opened our service 13 years ago are still with us today. And, that is likely one of the reasons we have grown so fast; our members tend to stay with us for many years once they join us.

Also, consider how an Elliott Wave analysis service would become the 3rdlargest service out of 165 services on a fundamental analysis site such as Seeking Alpha. Since we are not selling a “fundamental” story within our analysis, our focus is only upon accuracy. Accuracy is the reason we have such a well-received service on Seeking Alpha.

So, rather than me tell you about how good I believe we are, it may be best to hear it directly from our clients.

The following are broken down into various sections. First, you can read what some of our 1000 money manager clients have said about us. Next you can read what some of our 7500+ retail clients have said about us. And, then you will be able to read what our clients say about the difference between using Elliott Wave analysis compared with fundamentals, our accuracy, how we stack up against other services they have used, why our clients stay with us for many years, and the difference we have made in their lives. And, as an aside, this is just a small sample of the thousands of messages we have received from our clients through the years.

So, without further ado, this is what our clients say about our work:

Professional Money Managers

“Everything I learned about managing portfolio's I threw out the window in 2014 after discovering EW.”

"I really can't speak more highly of your service... I have a 35 year career in investment banking as a former global head of a Fixed Income and Currency trading business at a Top 10 global investment bank, and you have helped my business make money, and importantly, stopped me making inappropriate trades. You are my number 1 risk management guide... - you guys are simply, great !"

“We've never spoken, but I have been a member for about 19 months and I just want to say thank you for the work you and your team does. This service has changed my entire perspective on the markets in a positive way. Some context, I am Chief Investment Officer of a boutique Wealth Management firm with approximately 1.5B in AUM, so your knowledge and expertise touches everyone of our clients, and for that I am extremely thankful. Thank you again! Kind regards, John”

“I worked on trading desks at top investment banks for 10 years, then traded on my own for another 8. I've seen 100s of research from the best analysts in the business. Avi and EWT is the only one I'm willing to pay for right now.”

“Avi, I don't comment a lot or participate much in your chat room. Nonetheless, I do want to thank you for your work. You're the best EWT analyst that I've found. I run a levered, convex, quant-based hedge fund that averaged an above market return. Prior to joining your service, we made an above average gain each year (i.e. we beat the S&P 500). However, since joining your service, we've experienced a 5-fold increase in returns for our quant hedge fund and, now, regularly turn down new subscribers because we're FULL!!!! Thanks again”

“I'm approaching my one year anniversary in the group and I truly believe this is the best decision I have ever made about a research service. FWIW, I'm a financial advisor and I have been in the industry for over 20 years. I manage over 300MM in assets and have routinely been a council member at every firm I have ever been with. Even though I'm just scratching the surface in my Elliot Wave education, this service has really helped me position my clients in the right way.”

Retail Clients

“I stumbled on this community about six months ago, and it has absolutely changed my trading results (thank you Avi!). Better entries and more precise exits. Greatly improved risk management. And a much better sense of whether to be long or short. It’s great to be part of a community that wants to help each other succeed. I don’t think there’s any place in the trading universe quite like this.”

“This is the best technical analysis service that I have come across in more than 25 years of trading.”

“I'd like to coin a new term: Avi-ously. I don't know what he sees, but his methods and analysis are not of this world, at least not my world. But, Avi-ously, he knows. Props to our Big Guy.”

“Avi is the closest to the "Holy Grail" (what traders call a foolproof system) I have ever seen, and I have been trading longer than you have been around.”

"I am so thankful for the community you've created on this site and its willingness to help all members succeed. The return on the service is unparalleled and continues to be the best money I have ever spent."

"After 40 years of trading I can say personally you have the very best trading method and trading site there is."

EWT vs. Fundamentals/News

“Former fundamental investor, who trialed during the March market decline. Saw Avi and his team hit target after target. It was incredible!”

“The experience has been rewarding. I am a hedge fund money manager and a professional market analyst, and the value that this room provides is incalculable. Every time the news calls us to explain a reason for why things happen, Avi's view on market sentiment is reinforced even more.”

“I joined the room in late Feb after seeing my account vaporize with the massive plunge. With the assistance of all the pros here, I'm glad to say that I've not only recovered my capital, I've also made a small gain, and no need to trade on "fundamentals". I will be prepared for any turns this time! Many thanks to the EWT team!”

“Slowly but surely I've become less and less concerned/interested in seeing if other factors align with waves (fundies/techs), and becoming more absorbed simply into the waves. It's been hard, as it's human nature to try to correlate just about anything. When I just follow directions/waves, my success is as good or better than Avi's noted 70% rate.”

“Elliott Wave Trader has shown me again and again, in real time, how news doesn’t drive the markets. Investor sentiment drives the markets, and even if you get the news right, you can get the reaction wrong. My returns have been significantly higher since I joined and discovered sentiment is the important piece of the puzzle, not the news itself.”

Our Accuracy

“The number of different markets, i.e., TLT, Metals, Oil, IWM, SPX etc.., that you have absolutely nailed over the years is legend.”

“I have always been a fan of EW, but I have never found anyone as accurate as Avi.”

“Avi, I’ve been here for close to a year. I am still amazed how targets are hit, almost to the digit. I have made money here, and lost money when I didn’t heed the warnings.”

“The high hit rate of your market turning points is just unprecedented and mind-blowing.”

“Avi's market analysis is so accurate that it looks like magic.”

“Sometimes i wonder if you guys at EWT are real humans or AI robots, it is amazing how accurate you have been, excellent! The best financial investment i have ever made is to sign up at EWT.”

“Voodoo Avi and Magic Mike deserve their nicknames because the turning points they call for tend to be super accurate….Most importantly, Avi and team are very dedicated AND objective analysts. While some believe in trading with a bias, they present objective EWT analysis of how the markets could move based on current wave structures.”

“To repeat the comments of a member of his service, "Time and time again you have displayed an astonishing degree of accuracy." I am relatively new to investing, as I expect many in the market now are, and I cannot imagine even attempting to trade without this guidance.”

“I'm a relatively novice trader and a member of Avi's service for nearly two years now and feel compelled to tell anyone who cares to read this just how fantastic of a service Avi and his team provides. The analysis is absolutely unreal. I have followed multiple calls over the nearly two years and have back verified multiple calls and am just astonished at the accuracy.”

EWT/TMPW vs. Other Services

“I was a member of basically every service on SA and was subscribed to every newsletter/finance website and I mean it is not even debatable - Avi and co. are unparalleled. It's like comparing an NFL coach to your uncle.”

“I've been an RIA for 13 years, and I'm always looking for an edge. I have tried so many services I can't even put a number on it, and by far this is the best service I have found to help with identifying resistance levels and possible paths for the major indices.”

“In a world that is full of analysts who get over-fixated on the bullish or bearish thesis to the detriment of their readers, Avi and his team focus on what counts: Remaining accurate, flexible and profitable."

“The relief of EWT philosophy on investing has been such a gift (besides being extremely profitable) that I have to say this is the most enjoyable service offered anywhere on the internet and probably the best investment I have ever made.”

“Best service on the market out there. Informative, honest, and to the point.”

"I have been trading for over 40 years and have subscribed to more services than I can remember. Avi and the Market Pinball Wizard team are by far THE BEST service I have ever used. I am having my best year, with profits exceeding 20X the cost of the service already."

Clients Stay With Us For Years

“God lead me to this service over 10 years ago. For a decade I have heard Avi point his bat at this very moment in time calling this S&P level. Though the years I have witnessed him point his bat months, even years before metals hit their highs and lows with almost perfect big picture accuracy. Against every other analysts opinion. I have seen him bullied relentlessly on his public articles on SA and stick to his guns and proven so correct with no one ever apologizing or admitting he called it.”

“Today is my 11th anniversary of being a member…wonderful experience of my life to be part of the EWT community. Told 100s to join…best trading site in the World”

"9 years in November for me and your site has made me a better investor and trader, locking in my retirement and preparing me for the next 10 years"

“Avi's work has helped me trade more profitably over the last 4 years than I ever did.”

“I’ve subscribed for 5 years now and I have to say I see that you’ve been right on this the whole time. Who would’ve thought gold and silver would’ve rallied with rates this high for this long and the markets continued higher as well. Always thought your charts were good but always thought in the back of my mind that rate cuts and other news actually led. So now that I’ve admitted defeat u are free to gloat. Well deserved.”

“I’m approaching my 7th year as a member here, other than a six month departure in 2018, for personal reasons. Finding this site … literally changed how I invested. I’ve learned so much from you Avi and many of the analysts here. My gratitude runs very deep. Well done!!”

“I am two years a member and seeing is believing, it has changed my mindset entirely having seen the results, I'm in for the long haul.”

The Difference We Make In People’s Lives

“For me, this service was and is life changing. I’m nobody and come from nowhere (life hasn’t been kind to me). But the results from this service helped me to turn my life around.”

“Avi, you have changed my family's life forever. I am serious. You and your team are a blessing and I am grateful for you all.”

“I am deeply grateful to Avi and the entire team for the service(s) you offer. Before I retired I was Series 7 and 24 licensed and SEC registered. I consulted with Fortune 50 companies and sovereign governments. In retrospect, what I thought I knew was a bit delusional and very academic. Indeed, I took advanced asset allocation courses from Roger Ibbotson himself. Having found EWT and this team I am profoundly honored by the generosity of your sharing and what can be learned. My family and I have already benefited tremendously. Thank you.”

“Thanks Avi! You and this site are making a huge difference how I manage my clients money … All by simply buying low and selling high based on the EW charts.”

"This platform and community has been life-changing for me. It has given me the courage and confidence to do some things that I had only wished for in the past."

“I cannot stress enough how much this site not only changed my entire approach to investing, but my life as well. Game-changer is an understatement.”

“Thanks Avi and all honored analysts, as a retail trader, EWT really changed my life.”

I know that anything new or different always seems daunting and questionable, and this is why many remain skeptical of our work. That is the reason we offer a two-week free trial for you to see if we are able to help you, and you can take a peek behind the curtain to see that we are the real deal. While we will clearly never be for everyone, those that have taken the time to learn what we are trying to teach have seen life-changing results.

I want you also to consider that the following three comments represent the most common comments we get from our members over the last 13 years:

“I joined TMPW in 2020 after having been reading Avi Gilburt's public articles for nearly a year. All I can say is I wish I had joined years prior!

“Avi’s team brings world-class training and hands-on learning. My only regret is not finding Avi’s service years ago.”

“Thanks for giving a balanced view that so many other services do not. Wish I had joined sooner.

So, come and take a free trial of our service and see if it is for you, and don’t let another year go by, only to wish you had joined us sooner, like many others have done.

Avi Gilburt is founder of
