Near-Perfect Start For New Trading System

At the start of this year, Victor Nguyen launched his Daily Income Trading System (DITS) in his Index Quant Signals service.  In its first 8 weeks, the new trading system has had 31 winners of out 32 trades, going 6 for 6 this past week alone.

The DITS system looks each day for high-probability credit spread setups in the SPX that put options time decay in his favor.  It is now the primary trading system that Victor uses in his service, which provides day and swing trade signals in futures and options on stocks & ETFs based on his proprietary quantitative algorithms. 

Overheard in Victor's service:   "Thank you Victor. These trades have been the most consistent money makers for me over the last 2 weeks."  --Jorge

"For me personally, I'll take Victor's winning percentage over anyone else on the internet..."  --Viper
