Articles Related to ZM

Market Analysis for Feb 2nd, 2021

ZM acting well on daily+weekly, she's turning into a beauty.Initially alerted at $378-379. Now, $390.Jan 13, 2021 context: 👇Do some homework onZMand keep a close eye on itThis one is a little more complicated/weak compared to many free bonuses I've shared as it's trending below some key moving averages meaning that short-term has been weak. See if the complexion changes with the recent 2 day upside move.This week's low area could be the potential low/strong demand for many weeks if a more pronounced bottoming patttern builds out on the lower timeframes such as daily chart.$480-500 comes to mind. (roughly 61.
by Ricky Wen - 3 years ago

Market Analysis for Jan 13th, 2021

Do some homework on ZM and keep a close eye on itThis one is a little more complicated/weak compared to many free bonuses I've shared as it's trending below some key moving averages meaning that short-term has been weak. See if the complexion changes with the recent 2 day upside move.This week's low area could be the potential low/strong demand for many weeks if a more pronounced bottoming patttern builds out on the lower timeframes such as daily chart.$480-500 comes to mind. (roughly 61.
by Ricky Wen - 3 years ago

Zoom still got some "zoom" left in it!

holy moly i mean i haven't looked at this really since catcing some of that move in may/june.... but i spent some time last night and actually built out all the precise sub-waves and then fib measurements....for perspective... and this sucker still HAS room to RUN...amazing... yellow net is high support...below there BAD BAD BAD...otherwise this is buyable swing speak for a run to $300-325, before than a bigger 4th....
4 years ago

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